The Old Groynes now have their own website. See here.
Click on the image below to play a 16-minute video:

‘Great fun. So lovely to hear the church ringing with laughter and to see the eager, expectant faces of the children, young and old.’
JV, Walpole

You can download a copy of the play’s script here too. Click on the pic.
‘We loved it– the kids went wild. Will you do it again, next year? ’
PG, Halesworth
‘Shhh!... ’ere – you ain’t seen me, right? An’ you ain’t seen ’er neither, geddit!’
Burglar Bill, Huntingfield
The cast and crew:
Santa........................................Nigel Jerry
Rudolph................................Joe Thompson
Sgt. Wilkes .............................Allan Barnes
PC Harris...................................Sue Tyler
Burglar Bill ..............................Ken Burnett
Burglar Betty...........................Liz Forrester
Narrator....................................Linda Berry
Prompter...............................Susan Brewer
Technical, lighting and SFX....David Burrows
Props......................................Liz Forrester
Written by Ken Burnett
Photos by Charlie Burnett and Jim Wardale.
Film by Jim Wardale and David Burrows.
Video edited by David Burrows, Alde Broadcast.

An Old Groynes production
© 2018 The Old Groynes Theatre Company
Footnote: Many ask, ‘Where does the name of your theatre company come from? Veteran Old Groyne and company founder Stephen Harrison explains, 'There once was a sign,’ he says, ‘just off Southwold beach in splendid Suffolk that warned would-be waders to ‘BEWARE OF OLD GROYNES.’ The name stuck. No one who’s seen any of our productions considers it inappropriate.
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