
‘I’ve not had such good fun and laughter watching a play since The Old Groynes’ last performance. The costumes, lights and technical work were fantastic, the actors unbelievable, bearing in mind that all but one have little or no previous acting experience. Such hard work and commitment from each, including the support crew. A first-class performance, music, songs and dancing...an exceptional good value night for our community. When is the next?’
Maureen, Ubbeston

All the cast took their turn at helping with the practical tasks. Though, evil old Lord Lu might just be about to half-inch some popcorn for himself.
The ‘panto’ was a tour de force and worked a treat. A true farce. I wonder if the elixir actually worked and that, in 2019 just as Brexit came into force, some of the original rogues were still around... A thoroughly enjoyable bit of rural life! Well done.
John, Walpole
The invading Chinese army.
Blimey! Alphonse’s beard is real. But Alphonse himself? Maybe not.
The cast:
Rex Avery...........................................Ben Cheyne
Nilda (Mrs Rex Avery)...........................Cion Cheyne
Brenda...............................................Jackie Driver
Sharon...............................................Jackie Weare
Genevieve..........................................Rose Thompson
Tabitha..............................................Olivia Harrison
Gwendolyn.........................................Lilia Pinnick-Smith
Miss Hinge..........................................Margaret Dennis
Miss Scroat.........................................Sue Lucas
Walter and Alphonse...........................Nigel Jerry
Carlie and PC Harris.............................Sue Tyler
Mrs Lucy Legge...................................Linda Berry
Arthur Legge......................................Brian Lucas
Professor Myron Bing..........................Mike Stephens
Professor Godfrey Bazeley...................Edward Watson
Jagabundu.........................................Joe Thompson
Sgt. Wilkes and The Padre....................Allan Barnes
Whistling Jack.....................................Ken Burnett
Harry.................................................Emma Zangs
Lord Lu Run Xaio.................................Tommy McGee
General Tang......................................Joan Baker
The invading Chinese army...................A coatrack
Dame Cecily Spencer Ackroyd...............Joe Burnett
(Joe also plays The Hand — boo!)
Frank Milton.......................................Steve Moorhouse
Miss Beryl Bing and Felixtoe her cat......Liz Forrester and Bo
Narrator.............................................Stephen Harrison
Technical experts and crew:
Sets director.......................................Liz Forrester
Light and sound...................................David Burrows
Scene-changer in chief..........................Brian Lucas
Props..................................................Liz, Brian, Stephen
Prompter............................................Marian Cannell
Costumes/ wardrobe...........................Helen Cannon + cast members
Written and directed by Ken Burnett
Produced by Stephen Harrison
Photos by Emma Zangs. Movies by Helen Cannon.
The Old Groynes now have their own website. See here.
Please remember to take your brain
with you as you leave the theatre.
Developed over centuries from nature’s most secret, most precious ingredients Lord Lu’s aromatic wonder oil is soft, smooth, sensuous and silky. All that’s missing to turn it into the fabled elixir of life is the final ingredient that will transform it from a sensual body rub into a lasting life-changer. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is that missing ingredient!
An Old Groynes production
© 2018 The Old Groynes Theatre Company
Many ask, ‘Where does the name of your theatre company come from? Veteran Old Groyne and company founder Stephen Harrison explains, 'There once was a sign,’ he says, ‘just off Southwold beach in splendid Suffolk that warned would-be waders to ‘BEWARE OF OLD GROYNES.’ The name stuck. No one who’s seen any of our productions considers it inappropriate.

See here for another OG special – a short Christmas play for children, performed at Huntingfield’s world-famous church.
Back to part 1
Ken Burnett’s website

The full cast and crew. Back row from left: Edward Watson, Marian Cannell, Allan Barnes, Mike Stephens, Brian Lucas, Ben Cheyne, Tommy McGee, Steve Moorhouse, Nigel Jerrey (inset, arrowed), Joe Burnett, Ken Burnett, Stephen Harrison, Middle row: Sue Tyler, Linda Berry, Cion Cheyne, Jackie Weare, Margaret Dennis, Sue Lucas, Joan Baker, Emma Zangs, Joe Thompson. Front row: Liz Forrester and Bo (in silhouette), David Burrows, Jackie Driver, Rose Thompson, Lilia Pinnick-Smith, Olivia Harrison.

Why Fly die?
‘It was a good laugh, a very enjoyable evening and a lovely outing with all our
wonderful neighbours.’
Lynne and Chrissie, Ubbeston

Blue Suede Shoes
‘Sumptuous entertainment. I loved it!’
Viv, Walpole

The Hand makes his big breakthrough

A squeaky exit
‘This was such fun – pantomime with a difference! A wacky script idea, brilliant
audio-visuals, imaginative staging and a wonderfully inventive cast – I haven’t
laughed as much in ages! The atmosphere was wonderful… audience participation
…every member of the cast gave their all and it was well worth giving. Well done
Old Groynes. Whatever you do next, I want to be there! Congratulations to
everyone involved – and thank you!’
Liz, Ubbeston

Arthur’s brain is missing

The big chase
‘The cast and crew obviously enjoyed performing the play as much as we the
audience enjoyed watching it. A memorable community event.’
Mark and Lynne, Ubbeston

Final bows